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If you’re looking for love online, you’ll get more first dates if you avoid these 10 internet dating photo bloopers. When I was talking to a Dating Coaching client, he shared, “I can’t believe the number of women who post photos with a fish,” and my reply was, “I thought only guys do that.” Your photos are the most important part of your profile because it’s the first place everyone looks. If you don’t pass their “Kiss Test” with the photos, let’s face it, they are going to hit delete. To increase your chances of finding Great Love online, below are brutally honest comments and photo bloopers to avoid.
Are you ready to update your internet profile to attract your perfect match online? Your profile is your online resume. It’s your marketing pitch to attract more first dates, have more second dates, and give you options – so you get to choose who gets past the critical third date mark, and maybe even down […]
Are you ready to find more quality dates and a great love online? With over 90 million singles jumping on the net, you can’t afford not to join this party. You need a paragraph with punch and specifics to help you attract your type faster. These ten winning profile tips have been proven to help thousands find love online like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks do in You’ve Got Mail!