Great Love Review – Legally Blonde
By Liz H. Kelly
While you might think Legally Blonde is about a sorority president with a little dog and interest in fashion, this Hawaiian Tropic girl actually gives us an awesome example of how you can get almost any guy when you Love Your Life First. When Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) gets dumped by Warner (Matthew Davis) in college, it doesn’t stop her from moving forward, and finding hottie, Emmet/(Luke Wilson). Instead of getting angry, she goes after Warner with her own plan to get into Harvard Law School. If you get side-tracked by a romance, take a deep breath and get back in the game of life to attract the great love that you deserve!

Love Your Life First Plan
1. Dream Big – When Warner gets into Harvard Law School, Elle decides to take her LSAT and get into the same program to win her guy back. She studies hard and comes up with a creative entrance video that highlights her life as Delta Nu President. Her video intrigues the Harvard admissions team so much that they accept her to add diversity. Never say never, and aim high.
2. Focus on You – Elle focuses on getting good grades, and gets into an internship program with Professor Callahan (Victor Garber). She ends up being a star on a case where she earns everyone’s respect. By getting close with the defendant, Brooke Windam (Ali Larter) accused of killing her husband, she discovers the truth and you’ll have to watch the movie to find out the rest.
3. Be a Great Love Magnet – By being the best at what you do, you’ll naturally attract the quality relationship that you deserve. When Professor Callahan’s assistant Emmet (Luke Wilson) starts working with Elle on the murder case, he is captured by her confidence. Elle is fearless about visiting Brooke in jail to get the real story, and her confidence makes her irresistible.
4. Stay on Top – Once you get on top of your game, there will always be people who try to knock you down. When Professor Callahan makes a pass at Elle, she gets so upset that she decides to leave school. A wise female professor jumps in to tell her, “If you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life… you’re not the girl I thought you were.” Elle realizes that she cannot leave and let this jerk get in the way of her success. Don’t let anyone with evil intentions change your game.
5. Be a Cheerleader – Not only does Elle help her manicurist, Paulette, attract the hot UPS guy to fall for her, Elle is chosen as the class valedictorian at graduation. With a huge smile, she tells them, “Never stop believing in yourself.” Everyone loves a cheerleader. By giving people compliments and encouragement, you’ll naturally attract great love.
You can also have a romantic, happy ending if you focus on Loving Your Life First. It’s the only thing that you really have control over – you. To fast-track your journey, watch this light-hearted movie, check out my ebook, How to Attract Great Love and/or sign up for Life Script Coaching! You deserve a life filled with great love!
© Liz H. Kelly, Great Love Reporter, Great Life Great Love,, 2009
Luv your points about confidence being key in dating – thanks for sharing this movie review!