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How to Look Better Online – 5 Photo Tips

How to Look Better Online – 5 Photo Tips

Do you want some photo advice tips for how to look better online? Your internet dating picture is your first impression online so make it count using these five fun tips. Attract your Great Love type faster with an awesome photo that includes:

Great Lover Types - Take a Close Look!

Great Lover Types – Take a Close Look!

Are you ready to find a Great Lover who adores you, charges your battery, and is totally into you? They’re ready for a real deal, and you deserve the royal treatment! To help you identify them faster, here are five Great Lover Types (even if you have any hesitation, give these lovers a closer look).

Life Coaching - Get Your Script Together!

Life Coaching – Get Your Script Together!

Are you truly in love with your life? Do you have rich experiences that fuel positive energy? And are there any missing pieces that deserve your attention? When I coach singles how to attract true love, the first thing that we do is look at their Life Script. It’s not a long process, and this SCRIPT approach can help you easily identify what is missing.

Bad Lover Types - Give them the Boot!

Bad Lover Types – Give them the Boot!

Are you tired of dealing with a Bad Lover who treats you like dirt? They’re so self-absorbed that they probably can’t even see how much they’re hurting you. To help you identify them faster, here are five Bad Lover Types that should be given the boot immediately (easier said than done, but it’s really the best thing for both of you).

Great Love Review - When Harry Met Sally

Great Love Review – When Harry Met Sally

Do you want to know some Great Love Secrets for identifying your perfect match and compatibility faster? In this Great Love Review, we’ll cover the classic romance movie, When Harry Met Sally with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. Based on the ABC Man Codes in my first book, Smart Man Hunting, for the main male personality types, let’s take a look a closer look at the relationship dynamics. What man codes does Harry represent that make his relationship work with Sally?

Valentines Year-Round - 10 Low-Budget Love Leaps

Valentines Year-Round – 10 Low-Budget Love Leaps

Who says Valentine’s Day has to be expensive, and why is it only celebrated 1 day a year? Why are Americans predicted to spend $13 million on Valentines this year when it’s the sentimental value that outweighs any purchase price? Simply by leaping out of your romantic routine, you can ignite sparks without breaking the bank. You can build more great love with a thoughtful gift over a big bill any day!

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Great Love Review - Legally Blonde

Great Love Review – Legally Blonde

While you might think Legally Blonde is about a sorority president with a little dog and interest in fashion, this Hawaiian Tropic girl actually gives us an awesome example of how you can get almost any guy when you Love Your Life First. When Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) gets dumped by Warner (Matthew Davis) in college, it doesn’t stop her from moving forward. Instead of getting angry, she goes after Warner with her own plan to get into Harvard Law School. If you get side-tracked by a romance, take a deep breath and get back in the game of life to attract the great love that you deserve!